Saturday, 8 April 2023

School of Prabhākara—Development

School of Prabhākara—Development

Prabhākara is Kumārila’s student and yet he is called Guru. Tatvacintāmaṇī elaborates, Kumārila while teaching Prabhākara and other students, came across the sentence which was not properly translated by Kumārila himself. In his view the sentence has retained an ambiguity. The sentence was

तत्रापिनोक्तमत्रापितुनोक्तम्  [तत्र तु नोक्तम् अत्रापि नोक्तम्]

अतो द्विरुक्तम्

Kumārila was unable to make any sense out of it, since he translated as, “Here also is not said, there also is not said, but it is said twice.” For this same verse Prabhākara dissolved the sandhi in another way,

तत्र अपिना उक्तम्

अत्रापि तुन उक्तम्

He helped his guru to decipher. तत्र तुना उक्तम् (this is stated by the wordतुpreviously), अत्र अपिना उक्तम् (this is stated by the wordअपिhere”). Therefore, it has been stated twice

Thus the story elucidates the authority of student Prabhākara upon Kumārila. Another story is ; debate of social custom to be followed. Both were having opposite views.

Kumārila is now no more propagated, Prabhākara takes up from there.

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