Saturday, 22 April 2023

How should I attempt to realize myself

 How should I attempt to realize myself—

 आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टव्यः श्रोतव्यो मन्तव्यो निदिध्यासितव्यो मैत्रेयि। बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् २।४।१५

  1. श्रोतव्यःश्रुति—Authentic information—श्रुति वाक्येभ्यः—listen to आप्तवाक्य (sentence of a reliable person, one who knows the truth. आप्त is यथार्थ वक्ता (तर्कसङ्ग्रह). आप्त cannot be any Human being because inadvertently he may incur error. He suffers from limitations. By definition Human being is किञ्चिज्ज्ञः (with limited knowledge and limited capacity. मनुष्यवाक्य; Human sentence is not dependable; आप्त वाक्य is the वाक्य of ईश्वर, ईश्वर is defined as नित्यज्ञान अधिकरण). Our knowledge is अधीत्य—acquired—comes by acquisition. नित्यज्ञान is non-fallable and therefore 'this entity-यथार्थ वक्ता-in this case ईश्वर' is postulated for the realization of  ज्ञान, so they are dependable.
  2. मन्तव्यःमननश्च उपपत्तिभिः—analyze logically, examine and reflect and conclude 
  3. निदिध्यासितव्यः— meditate upon the reflections
  4. आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टव्यः —Final injunction—one should realize oneself.
And this is of course not easy...

Sunday, 16 April 2023

The structure of a discourse in the Science of Interpretation

Mīmāṃsā process of establishing principles of interpretation is named as adhikaraṇa. A universal model of discussion was developed— ‘अधिकरण पद्धति’. 

Adhikaraṇa consists of five things. 

The structure of a discourse in this Science of Interpretation will have the following five components: (a) विषय; a problem, issue or topic (b) विशय; doubt (c) पूर्वपक्ष; opponent’s view (d) उत्तरपक्ष; proponent’s view (e) सङ्गति; rationality, cogency, the coherence among them. 

This understanding comes from Kumārila Bhaṭṭa in his Ślokavārtika which explains this method.

    विषयविशयोश्चैवपूर्वपक्षस्तथोत्तरः। सङ्गतिश्चेति पञ्चाङ्गं शास्त्रे अधिकरणं मतम्॥

Somehow this is what is lacking in every field of discourse in our contemporary times. Not only contemporary but lots of books are written failing to understand the science of interpretation to be followed especially with the Indic texts. This includes not only western academia but is also not followed by the Indian researchers. 

Saturday, 8 April 2023

School of Prabhākara—Development

School of Prabhākara—Development

Prabhākara is Kumārila’s student and yet he is called Guru. Tatvacintāmaṇī elaborates, Kumārila while teaching Prabhākara and other students, came across the sentence which was not properly translated by Kumārila himself. In his view the sentence has retained an ambiguity. The sentence was

तत्रापिनोक्तमत्रापितुनोक्तम्  [तत्र तु नोक्तम् अत्रापि नोक्तम्]

अतो द्विरुक्तम्

Kumārila was unable to make any sense out of it, since he translated as, “Here also is not said, there also is not said, but it is said twice.” For this same verse Prabhākara dissolved the sandhi in another way,

तत्र अपिना उक्तम्

अत्रापि तुन उक्तम्

He helped his guru to decipher. तत्र तुना उक्तम् (this is stated by the wordतुpreviously), अत्र अपिना उक्तम् (this is stated by the wordअपिhere”). Therefore, it has been stated twice

Thus the story elucidates the authority of student Prabhākara upon Kumārila. Another story is ; debate of social custom to be followed. Both were having opposite views.

Kumārila is now no more propagated, Prabhākara takes up from there.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023


In one of the classes of Prof. VN Jha sir, under the auspices of Vidya Vatika, Rishi Rina Trust, I learnt how the Nyāya language was frequently used in the commentary of Gita (3.18) so beautifully by Shri Madhusudana, in one of the Sanskrit through Bhagvadgita classes. Karma is not the means of निःश्रेयस. निःश्रेयस is नित्य.  In a very early stages of learnings we learnt about abhyudaya and niḥśreyasa about which I will post in yet another blog. There are ways to understand the seven ladders which are prescribed in Yoga Vasiṣṭha to achieve the niḥśreyasa-mukti. And साधन चतुष्ट्य (Tatvabodha) gives a glimpse on how one achieves the first ladder of the preparatory stage called ज्ञानभूमिः among the successive seven ladders. 


— is the first preparatory stage which is achieved through साधन चतुष्टय। 

  1. नित्य-अनित्य-वस्तु-विवेक—Distinguish between non eternal and eternal. This will lead to 2nd साधन.
  2. इह-अमुत्र-फल-भोग-विराग—One should cultivate detachment towards enjoyment of the result -swarga; this leads to third stage of preparation.
  3. शम-दमादि-षट्-सम्पद्—(Tatvabodha classes) this understanding and internalization will take you to the stage of stable desire.
  • शमःअन्तरिन्द्रियनिग्रहःcontrol over internal sense organ
  • दमःबहिन्द्रियनिग्रहः—control over outer sense organ, bringing calmness
  • उपरतिःउपरतस्य इन्द्रियस्य पुनः विषय प्रवृत्ति निरोधः—control over resurfaced viṣaya
  • तितिक्षासुखदुःखादि द्वन्द सहिष्णुत—tolerance of the opposites
  • समाधानम्चित्तस्य एकाग्रता—steady focus of your mind
  • श्रद्धागुरु-वेदान्तवाक्येषु विश्वासः—one is not swayambhu on knowledge, have to base upon Guru and Vedānta
  1. Mumukṣutva—Stable desire
These are the well reasoned preparations to reach to the second stage called vicāraṇa out of seven stages.

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